Lynn Clancy: "My cat, Oreo, had been sick for about 6 months, and
I couldn’t figure out why. When I took her to a vet to be checked out, he told me
she had a tumor the size of a plum under her tongue, was very sick and had no quality
to her life. Nothing could be done for her. He told me that the only choice I had
was to put her to sleep. By her reactions each time I used Frontline on her, I am
totally convinced they caused the tumor. I missed Oreo so much, but I reluctantly
decided to get another cat. I had heard about Pet Protector from a friend and immediately
decided to get one, so that Nash and I wouldn’t have to experience the same thing
over again that I went through with Oreo. There are many trees which overlap our
balcony, and he loves to be out there in the nice weather. Sometimes, he stays out
there all day long and has never brought a tick or flea inside. This product absolutely
works! The metal disc worn around your pet’s neck protects them from all external
parasites. There is no comparison to the health benefit of Pet Protector vs. all
the harsh chemical products sold on the market today. Plus, the cost is twenty times
less for what you would spend in a 4-year period. That’s why, not only that I have
decided to get one for my Nash, but I have decided to join as a member of this project
as well, and help many more pets. If you want to safeguard your family pet’s health,
Pet Protector is the only solution."