Whew! What a year! 2013, our 15th year (and 28th for Carson Services,
Inc.), was indeed a watershed year for SFI. From just a half-million
affiliates at the start of 2013, we ended the year with nearly 1.5
million. And while the substantial increase in our affiliate base was
fantastic, other markers—honestly too many to mention here—were an even
bigger story.

TripleClicks also made some jaw-dropping advances in 2013:
- Overall, sales increased by nearly 300%!
- Monthly Pricebenders
auctions went from just 700 in December 2012 to over 1800 in December
2013 (a 1100+ increase in auctions per month)!
- TripleClicks’ popularity (traffic) ranking continued it’s zoom up the charts. According to alexa.com --
-- TripleClicks is closing in on being a top 1500 Website…in the world!
And in some countries, TripleClicks has already achieved even more
rarified air. In South Africa, TripleClicks ranks 218th! In Canada,
TripleClicks ranks 568th! And in Nigeria, TripleClicks ranks as the
239th most popular site in the country!
So what’s coming to TripleClicks in 2014? I can only provide some peeks
right now, but here is just SOME of what’s in the 2014 pipeline:
- New site design and new TConnect pages
- Major, new section additions
- Improved search engine and filtering
- New Pricebenders auction types to create more winners than ever before
- Optional auctions (traditional style) for Member Listings
- More, bigger, and better Pricebenders auctions
- Tens of thousands of new products
A powerful new program for earning both VersaPoints and MRP (Member
Rewards Points) from local restaurants, grocery stores, and more.
And this of course is not to mention all the new improvements going to happen to SFI in 2014.
- New SFI gear
- New contests (see news.sfimg.com for Leadership Challenge announcement)
- A big bump up in prizes for the Daily Grand
- Marketing Center
- New, completely overhauled E-Cards with powerful new features and capabilities
- New free, custom domain, hosted gateways
- New Genealogy tools
- New a2a and Stream features
- Outlets around the world for W3 kits, X-Cards, and more
- New ways to earn VersaPoints
- New badges
- New weekly newsletter
- New and improved ECA recruiting tools
- New income opportunity
Just to mention a few!