1. I was Tired of Trying out several Shiny Objects out there and
they are there in hundreds of thousands. My programs has proven to me that they are reputable companies with solid foundations and moral background plus
strong sound leadership.
2. I know what I want for my future. I have envisioned a financially
free future were I do not have to work like a slave for the rest of my
life for someone else. And so I am going to delay instant gratification
for now so I can enjoy it in the future
3. Anything is possible: Frankly speaking and this is my personal
belief that unless you are dead you have absolutely no good reason to
say you cannot succeed. NO EXCUSES! You are alive! You are free to learn
new ways in order to ACCOMPLISH a masterpiece plan if the previous one
didn’t work out as you wished. Stop quitting your dreams. We all learn
and teach each other. We all become better at things by TRYING. "Nothing
is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! - Audrey Hepburn
4. Get Real
Everything takes time. In order to get better at anything spend some
quality time practicing. Practice makes things perfect. Having looked
at your badge wall I realize that you have barely finished 4 months.
Everything valuable in this world requires some amount of sacrifice."Our
doubts are traitors and make us lose the good that we often may win. By
fearing to attempt". – William Shakespeare
5. Be Strong Like Oak and face up to your challenges
Believe me, you are stronger than you think. 1,2 or even 3 little
failures are not enough to stop you from achieving your goals. Your
goals are far greater than all of the doubts. Imagine a little oak tree.
Did it stop growing every time it was facing harsh winds? NO. So why
should you stop? You are alive, aren’t you? So you have no good reason
to give up. Period."Success will never be a big step in the future,
success is a small step taken just now". – Jonatan Mårtensson
6. This Was Done Before
What are your goals? Did anyone succeed before at what you are
trying to achieve at now? Even if there was only one person in the world
who has done what you want to do – it tells you only one thing –
whatever your goal is – IT IS POSSIBLE to achieve!
7. Be Inspired. Inspire Others
Be a living inspiration for others and refuse to give up. Who knows
what someone else can achieve by listening to your motivational stories
how it was tough and you were about to quit but you never caved in and
succeeded! Learn from the best and make it happen! And then motivate
others to go beyond their personal limits.
8. The Fellowship Of Success
It’s great to be among people who share the same beliefs and goals
as you are. And if your goal is to be successful – be around successful
people you can learn a lot from.
As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big - Donald Trump
9. In conclusion: You are so close…
There are loads of people out there eager to tell you that the goals
you put for yourself on the map are impossible to achieve due to their
own limiting beliefs. But who are they to decide and set YOUR LIMITS?
Often when you feel that you are about to give up you are the closest to
making a huge breakthrough! At any point of time you’re always just on
the verge of success. Keep going until you hit your gold mine! Never
give up!
Best Regards and see you at the TOP!
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